Company acquisitions, joint-ventures, commercial and technology partnerships are all ways for the company to grow in size and in know-how as well as to step-in new geographical markets and/or product types. ICT may support non-European companies to find the proper partner in Europe in the high precision mechanics industry, in line with the customer’s own strategy.
Business Broker and M&A
Our modus opernandi is typically structured in the following steps:
- Customer provides a detailed description of target company, highlighting the mandatory features and the reccomended ones (e.g. sales turnover range, geographical location, main products, etc.);
- On the base of the above description, ICT prepares a synthetic “blind” chart of the ideal partner company and shares it with at least a minimum number of potential target companies that meet all the mandatory features and as many as possible of the reccomended ones (the minimum number of target companies, in this phase, depends on how restrictive the conditions of mandatory features have been fixed by the customer in step 1);
- ICT enters in contact with all the listed potential partner companies, explains the potential of partnership with the customer and understands the real interest for moving ahead with talks of partnership / sales (it has to be remarked that, in this phase, in no way the name of customer is disclosed to the potential target company: just a blind chart with main data is shown);
- Depending on the expressions of interest, ICT collects basic and clear enough information of the potential partners (e.g. size, turnover, number of employees and sites, products range, served markets, certifications, reasons of interest in partnership, etc.) and prepares synthetic chart for each one of them, to be provided to the customer;
- Upon customer interest in one of the potential target companies, ICT provides full indications of name and contact details.
- At this point, it’s customer’s faculty to decide ICT to continue to assist in coordinating the contacts and talks with potential partner or to stop the cooperation. In the first case, ICT and its team of professionals may also offer support in business, financial, legal and environmental due diligence activities

Specifically, by business due diligence ICT may complete SWOT analysis of the company business, verification of all manufacturing and administrative processes, assets evaluation, interview of key personnel (both managers, staff and workers), check of inventories and assesment of real market value versus book value.
During the financial and legal due diligence ICT professionals verify the correctness of balance sheets, P&L and cash flows as well as the legal compliance to labour, taxes, environment and safety laws. Furthermore ICT team can support the customer to identify one or more business scenarios after the partnership is completed, with relative financial projections, aimed to provide understanding to the customer about the business continuity and to give a correct evaluation to the business to be acquired.