ICT is able to offer a wide range of products specific for automotive industry.
Our offers of versatile grinding wheels specialized for camshaft are specially engineered to obtain the best holding form along with free cutting ability in order to match the surface finish requirements and the quality consistency expectations.
These wheels are suitable for forged steel and chilled cast iron with highest amount of stock removal without any burnings damage on the cam flank.
ICT can offer in this special application wheels for roughing and finishing operations, suitable for all the special camshaft grinding machines: Landis, Naxos Union, Schaudt and Fortuna are some of them.
The camshaft grinding wheels are engineered with best abrasives. Here below you can see some few ones, as per our suggestion:
- 1/3 CUMISA ceramic blended with aluminium oxide for best performances;
- 5SA semi friable aluminium oxide for superior performances
- AA withe aluminium oxide for standard performances.
What sets crankshaft grinding apart from the other cylindrical grinding process is the extremely crucial function of the crankshaft itself. Crankshaft design requires meticulous attention from the material selection to the various hardening process. Each part of the crankshaft is designed to have different hardness matching specific requirements of the application.
Grinding of the shoulders region is a surface grinding operation, while the grinding of the pin is a cylindrical grinding operation. This poses a great challenge in designing wheels that perform efficiently in both of these processes efficiently and simultaneously.
With the incorporation of the latest advances in abrasive grains and vitrified bond technology, ICT provides crankshaft grinding wheels that can face each of these challenges. These wheels are specially engineered to match 100% of these requirements and may be designed with single abrasive and also double different abrasives (in sandwich technology and dual grade) in order to obtain maximum life and constant cutting actions Furthermore such technology allows to avoid any type of grinding burns in the process.
Wheels are suitable for all the special crankshaft grinding machines: Zanrosso, Lampco, Prince, Tos, Schledum, Berco, Churchill, Landis, Ribbon, Van Roman, Storm Vulcan, Norton, Schou and Rex are some of them.

ICT wheels for crankshaft grinding are engineered with best abrasives. Here below we list some few of our suggestions:
- 1/3 CUMISA ceramic blended with aluminium oxide for best performances;
- AA 12A withe and semi friable aluminium oxide for superior performances;
- SA DA semi friable and brown aluminium oxide for standard performances.
Centerless grinding is an application which presents the most daunting challenges to any abrasive manufacturer. The range of its requirements and priorities varies from product to product, which calls for an equally wide range of offerings to suit the same. It is widely used in automotive applications to grind – for instance – valve stems, shock absorbers, pistons and liners.
Since in most of the centerless applications more than one wheel is mounted on the spindle, extremely tight tolerances need to be maintained in the geometry and densities of the wheels themselves to ensure uniform wear patterns even if each wheel in the set is different.
ICT has the expertise, when it comes to centerless applications, thanks to the advanced manufacturing process of our business partner, premium abrasive grains and specially designed vitrified, resin and rubber bond system to suit the application needs.
Customized solution are provided for every application and specific requirements. Be it through-feed and-feed or in-feed, these wheels ensure that components are finished to stringent quality requirements.
ICT centerless wheels are produced with entire combination of available abrasives: aluminium oxide, silicon carbide (also combined together with aluminium oxide), monocrystalline abrasives and ceramic abrasives. All of them are combined to obtain the best in class centerless grinding wheels.
The centerless wheels are also suitable for not automotive applications like, for instance, the following ones:
- Bars grinding;
- Bearing rings grinding;
- Bearing components (like rollers) grinding;
- Drills & taps grinding.
ICT completes the offer for centreless grinding with feed regulating wheels and control wheels that are historically been proved as one of our excellence of our business partner, recognized by our customers from all over the world for the superlative & consistent performances.
Best in class for long life and grip, these control wheels are made in different grain size depending on the application (mostly from 80 to 280) and with best resilient rubber.
Different steels, different hardness and special coatings used in the manufacturing of valves represent big challenges to any grinding wheels manufacturer. ICT partner engineered valve stem grinding wheels to match all the market requirements, included the most grievous ones.
Cylindrical side, head, under head and border: ICT wheels for valves are studied for grinding 100% of the valves parts.
These wheels are designed for high speed machine till 85m/sec and in several abrasives:
- GC and CGC Green silicon carbide Black silicon carbide for special applications;
- 1CUMISA-MCA ceramic aluminium oxide for best performances;
- 55A Sharp and pure monocrystalline aluminium oxide for superior performances;
- DA-A-5SA aluminium oxide for standard performances.
Please get in touch with us at info@consulting-trading.com or through the contact form that you find here below to see what we can do for you: one of our technicians will provide feedbacks to you within a very short time.